Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder - Introvert Whisperer What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder According to a study by the Sutton Trust, individuals with extrovert-like traits are 25% more likely to get high paying jobs than those lacking those traits. In addition, the data stipulates that extroverts are more preferred for leadership positions in an organization. Introversion, on the other hand, is commonly seen as a barrier to growth in corporate leadership. But don’t be demotivated! None of these studies implies that introverts don’t have what it takes to be an effective leader. In fact, a number of successful leaders are actually introverts, believe it or not. Introverts often have skills and talents that extroverts might miss out on, such as independence, introspection, creativity, and critical thinking. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you lack the potential or passion but since extroverts take the cake all too often, there is definitely something they are doing right. And while we as introverts may look down on most introverts for their desire for attention and social interaction, it is okay to learn from them. Let’s take a look at what they are doing right before we move on to what we can learn from them. Why Do Extroverts Rise Up the Corporate Ladder Faster (And More Easily) than Introverts Climbing the corporate ladder requires more than hard skills and hard work. It requires charisma and charm. While we know introverts can also be charismatic, extroverts tend to showcase their charms a little ore more often. They are generally known for being great with people, which is an essential prerequisite for a leader. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that extroverts have the propensity to get noticed, and hence promoted. They enjoy the limelight, and their personality traits in essence become the highlight. They take initiative and therefore appear more proactive. They seek praise and attention and will go the extra mile for it. On the flipside, introverts shy away from attention. Their personality traits are often overshadowed by their shyness. This lack of showmanship and warmth can lead to others thinking an introvert might not make a good people manager. Despite an amazing performance report, their potential remains more of a mystery. So, if you think extroverts are preferred for promotions because they are popular, you are probably correct. That doesn’t mean you need a total flip of personality to get that promotion you deserve. You just need to trade a few traits with extroverts. What Can Introverts Learn From Extroverts to Also Rise Up the Corporate Ladder Conscious efforts. You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to be an extrovert. It would be best if you had a game plan to beat your extrovert counterparts at their own game and become the corporate champ. Here is how you can do it. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone Comfort zone is a great place â€" if you plan to rest. If you want to move ahead, you need to step out of it. You may not like the limelight, but you need to put yourself out there. If you think you can do something, raise your hand. If you think something needs to be done, initiate it. Don’t avoid a meeting with your supervisor, request one. Don’t dread the feedback; ask for it. Don’t just smile and nod, say hi and ask about their day. That brings us to the next point. Try to Make Friends You may not like to be a part of the copy room conversations or participating in the water cooler chitchat, but it is a great way to know people â€" or let them know you. Building relationships is seen as a crucial leadership quality as people are likely to follow leaders they personally connect with. Don’t excuse yourself out of social situations. Don’t avoid conversations, initiate them. At the end off the day, it’s all about business collaboration. If you aren’t comfortable talking to everyone, look for other introverts who might be struggling with the same problem. Building friendships within your work team is an important part of getting ahead, but just as important is befriending people in other departments. If you are trying to get ahead at work with an ambitious project, chances are you will need the support of other teams. Having friendly coworker can be the difference between your request for a favor getting ignored or completed right away. Ask for Help A study from the University of Missouri suggests that extroverts are successful because they have mentors. They have mentors because they seek help when needed. They tend to bond with their superiors by simply asking for help. It might seem intimidating, or inappropriate, to ask someone you don’t know well for advice, but it is very flattering to be asked for advice and many people will take it as a sign of respect. In most cases, those superiors are the people in charge of growth-related decisions. So, don’t be afraid to admit you can’t do something on your own, even if that’s to your boss. Ask for their guidance and help. Fake it Fake it till you make it. It is possible, and it is extremely helpful. Even extroverts do it all the time. Many aren’t as confident as they seem. While they manage to appear confident at all times, they are rarely arrogant. They are more approachable because they are easy to talk to. An introvert’s silence is often seen as arrogance. When you take yourself too seriously, people get too uncomfortable around you. Act more relaxed around people even if you don’t feel that way. Be a Team Player One of the biggest secrets behind extroverts’ success is their ability to think and act as a team. They are better at collaboration, and it can improve the overall productivity. It is why the corporate world favors this mentality. So, think of yourself as part of something bigger. Focus on your input and achievements as a team member and not just as an individual. Conclusion There is no one superior in the extrovert-introvert equation. Both have their fair share of positive traits and weaknesses. It is safe to say that introverts can learn a few things from extroverts, and vice versa. Rising up requires relationships and connections, as does finding better jobs. So, not only is it possible to adopt extrovert-based beliefs, it’s super crucial for your corporate success. Bio: Alex Sal is a business journalist and the founder of, a useful resource for entrepreneurs looking for insights on business hacks. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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